1. Which phylum do animals with a segmented body, jointed appendages, and an exoskeleton belong to?
a. Mollusca
b. Arthropoda
c. Chordata
d. Porifera
Answer: b. Arthropoda
2. Which class of vertebrates includes animals with an amniotic egg and scales or feathers?
a. Amphibia
b. Aves
c. Mammalia
d. Reptilia
Answer: d. Reptilia
3. What is the distinguishing feature of animals belonging to the phylum Chordata during some stage of their life cycle?
a. Exoskeleton
b. Notochord
c. Radial symmetry
d. Jointed appendages
Answer: b. Notochord
4. In which phylum do organisms like sponges belong, characterized by a porous body structure?
a. Porifera
b. Cnidaria
c. Platyhelminthes
d. Annelida
Answer: a. Porifera
5. What is the primary characteristic of animals in the phylum Cnidaria?
a. Segmentation
b. Radial symmetry
c. Bilateral symmetry
d. Exoskeleton
Answer: b. Radial symmetry
6. Which class of mollusks is known for having a distinct head, a muscular foot, and a radula?
a. Gastropoda
b. Bivalvia
c. Cephalopoda
d. Polyplacophora
Answer: c. Cephalopoda
7. In the classification of animals, what is the basis for the division of coelom into two parts – true coelom and pseudocoelom?
a. Presence of a body cavity
b. Type of body symmetry
c. Nature of embryonic development
d. Presence of notochord
Answer: c. Nature of embryonic development
8. Which phylum includes animals that have a notochord, dorsal hollow nerve cord, pharyngeal gill slits, and a post-anal tail during some stage of their development?
a. Porifera
b. Arthropoda
c. Chordata
d. Mollusca
Answer: c. Chordata
9. Animals with an open circulatory system, jointed legs, and a hard exoskeleton are characteristic of which subphylum?
a. Crustacea
b. Hexapoda
c. Myriapoda
d. Chelicerata
Answer: a. Crustacea
10. What is the main distinguishing feature of animals in the phylum Echinodermata?
a. Segmentation
b. Water vascular system
c. Chitinous exoskeleton
d. Pseudocoelom
Answer: b. Water vascular system
11. Which phylum includes animals with a notochord, a dorsal hollow nerve cord, and a post-anal tail, but no jaws or vertebrae?
a. Chordata
b. Platyhelminthes
c. Annelida
d. Mollusca
Answer: a. Chordata
12. Animals in the phylum Annelida are characterized by the presence of:
a. Radial symmetry
b. Pseudocoelom
c. Segmentation
d. Jointed appendages
Answer: c. Segmentation
13. Which class of arthropods includes animals like spiders, scorpions, and ticks?
a. Insecta
b. Arachnida
c. Crustacea
d. Myriapoda
Answer: b. Arachnida
14. Animals belonging to the phylum Mollusca commonly possess a structure called a radula, which is involved in:
a. Locomotion
b. Respiration
c. Feeding
d. Sensory perception
Answer: c. Feeding
15. In the classification of animals, the presence of a notochord is a characteristic feature of the subphylum:
a. Urochordata
b. Cephalochordata
c. Hemichordata
d. Vertebrata
Answer: b. Cephalochordata
16. Which phylum includes animals that are characterized by a water vascular system and spiny skin?
a. Echinodermata
b. Porifera
c. Cnidaria
d. Platyhelminthes
Answer: a. Echinodermata
17. The exoskeleton in arthropods is primarily composed of:
a. Chitin
b. Calcium carbonate
c. Silica
d. Keratin
Answer: a. Chitin
18. Animals belonging to the phylum Chordata are divided into three subphyla, including all of the following except:
a. Urochordata
b. Cephalochordata
c. Vertebrata
d. Hemichordata
Answer: d. Hemichordata
19. Which class of vertebrates is characterized by a cartilaginous endoskeleton and gill slits?
a. Chondrichthyes
b. Osteichthyes
c. Amphibia
d. Reptilia
Answer: a. Chondrichthyes
20. The phylum Porifera is commonly known for its members possessing:
a. A water vascular system
b. A radula
c. Spiny skin
d. Pores and canals for filter feeding
Answer: d. Pores and canals for filter feeding
21. Which of the following developed for the first time in Annelids?
1. Cephalization
2. Development of a true coelom
3. Metameric segmentation
4. Both 2 and 3
Answer – 4, both 2 & 3
22. What is the most crucial reason for the immense success of arthropods?
1. Chitinous exoskeleton
2. Uricotelic nature
3. Compound eye
4. Multipurpose appendages
Answer – 1, Chitinous Exoskeleton
23. What is not valid for a generalized mollusk?
1. The body is segmented into the head, visceral mass, and foot.
2. A rasping tongue-like organ – radula present.
3. Mantle cavity with gills
4. Excretory structures — nephridia
Answer – 1, Body segmented into head, visceral mass, and foot.
24. Which of the following is not seen in hemichordates?
1. A tripartite body organization
2. Stomochord
3. Rudimentary notochord
4. Proboscis gland
Answer – 1, A tripartite body organization
25. The body cavity formed by the splitting of the mesoderm is called
1. pseudo-coelom
2. coelom
3. hemocoel
4. blastocoel
Answer – 2, Coelom
26. Choanocytes are found in
1. outer epithelium
2. inner epithelium
3. mesoglea
4. spongocoel
Answer – 2, Inner Epithelium
27. In contrast to other metazoans, coelenterates have
1. nematocysts
2. gemmules
3. radial symmetry
4. polymorphism
Answer – 3, radial symmetry
28. Which of the following does not have a medusa stage?
1. jellyfish
2. hydra
3. obelia
4. corals
Answer – 2, hydra
29. A triploblastic, unsegmented animal with a complete alimentary canal could be a
1. roundworm
2. Planaria
3. liver fluke
4. Hydra
Answer – 4, Hydra
30. Which animal has a modified mantle cavity to expel water with force?
1. snail
2. oyster
3. squid
4. chiton
Answer – 3, Squid
31. Which one is not a feature of Agnatha?
1. parasites
2. jawless mouth
3. paired fins
4. horny teeth
Answer – 3, paired fins
32. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of sponges?
1. Tissue level of organization
2. Presence of Ostia
3. Extracellular digestion
4. Indirect development
Answer – 2, Presence of Ostia
33. Which of the following phylum animals are primarily found in marine water but few are in freshwater
1. Annelida
2. Porifera
3. Mollusca
4. Chordata
Answer – 3, Mollusca
34. Which animal has a cylindrical form
1. Physalia
2. Admsia
3. Hydra
4. 2 & 3
Answer – 4, 2 & 3
35. Corals have a skeleton composed of
1. CaCO3
2. CaPO4
3. CaCl2
4. CaSiO2
Answer – 1, CaCO3